Children’s Stories

Yes, everyone, I have disappeared for a while, but during that break I got married, went to London on honeymoon, and wrote a few children’s stories! So here is some information about them. I’m super excited about the artwork that a few talented artists created for me. Right now these are ebooks for Kindle, Nook and iPad, but I am looking into having a few made into paperbacks since the artwork is so super. Here are the stories:

A Day in the Dumps

Story by Dennis Finocchiaro, Artwork by Monica Minski

Joey loses his toy in the garbage so his mom takes him on a quest to find the dump and search. On the journey Joey learns about the importance of recycling and convinces his family to recycle on a daily basis.

I really wanted to write a story that taught children the importance of recycling. Has it been done before? Probably. But that’s fine, because the other books didn’t have the help of talented artist Monica Minski, who used a ton of recycled products to create the art! And I have to tell you, as I opened up the emails from her I was blown away by the detail and beautiful work she created.

Available on Kindle, Nook and iTunes store for your iPad.

The Princess of the Land of Black

Story by Dennis Finocchiaro, Artwork by Lyndsaye Greke

A princess in a land that only believes in wearing black goes on a quest to see what else is in the world. On her voyage of self-discovery, she meets many new people and goes home with a broad knowledge of the world.

This story came from my new wife’s niece, who demanded I write something about a princess for her. For a while I thought I couldn’t EVER come up with a princess story I would be proud of, but eventually it happened. I wanted to write a story that teaches children the importance of keeping an open mind, and I love this story because it does just that. Princess Onyx’s father refuses to change anything in their world in which everything is black, so she leaves the kingdom and learns that there are so many other colors out there. I also love Lyndsaye Greke’s take on the princess and the kingdoms she visits. I see this artwork as a mix of Disney and Tim Burton.

Available on Kindle, Nook and in iTunes store for the iPad.


Story by Dennis Finocchiaro, artwork by Christina Paul

On a world far away from ours, where the creatures of the planet each have a power, little Mo is picked on because he has no power. When, one day, he learns what he can do, he changes the whole planet and overcomes his bullies in the best way possible.

Of course, on this one I wanted to write about being bullied and how to deal with it, but I really wanted to stay away from human children. Instead, it’s about monsters. Christina Paul’s artwork really inspired me, and the paintings she did for Mo enhance the story in a way I just can’t explain. I’m really proud of this story and hope that kids can learn from it.

Available now for Kindle, Nook  and in the iTunes store (soon).

If you have any questions or are a book reviewer and would like to discuss writing a review, please contact me. I’m also always looking for new artists who can help me make some of my other visions reality.

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