Category Archives: Children’s Lit

Mo, and My Take on Bullying

I’ve always been against bullies, ever since that gargantuan down the street would terrorize everyone at our bus stop in elementary school. Mo, my newest kid’s book, reflects my feelings on bullies.

On a planet quite far from us lives a civilization of monsters with superpowers. It is a sad place, very brown and dead, and looks like this:


Mo, our protagonist, is a bit smaller than his classmates and has yet to discover his power. The others pick on him in various ways until one day, his teacher gives him a magic key that helps him find his power and become a hero. And, of course, the bullies get their just desserts.

Here is an image of Mo on the cover.

Isn’t he cute? Artist Christina Paul  did an excellent job visualizing the story and all of the little creatures. I love her work.

So, if you want to check out the ebook, it’s available on Kindle and Nook so far. If you check it out, I would love to hear your thoughts on it! Make sure you check out my other ebooks as well…there are a few. Thanks for stopping by!

The Princess of the Land of Black

As some of you may know, I have delved into the world of juvenile fiction, AKA kid’s books. Right now they are in ebook format, so if you have one, I would love if you would check it out. I’m going to do a few small features on them in the upcoming days.

The Princess of the Land of Black was inspired by my new wife’s niece, who pretty much demanded I write one about a princess. I never saw myself writing about female royalty, but when I really thought about it, I came up with the character Onyx, a princess in a kingdom where they only wear shades of black. She goes on a quest to find out what else there is in the world, and discovers all of the other colors by visiting princesses and castles.

What’s it really about? Opening your mind to new things. Going outside your comfort zone and coming out on top. Living life. You name it.

The artwork is by Lyndsaye Greke, a Canadian artist, poet and jaqueline-of-all-trades, so to speak. Her work is fantastic. When we started preliminary discussions, I said I would love something that’s “Disney” plus “Tim Burton” and I think she did a great job. It’s cute, but just a bit dark as well.

It’s available on Nook, Kindle and in the iTunes store. I hope you enjoy it, and if you check it out please feel free to comment here on what you thought.